Join us as we explore connecting through the strength and sensitivity of partner yoga, and the healing touch of giving and receiving Thai massage. Both practices allow us to build trust, to connect more fully, and to delight in delicious body work. No experience necessary!
Bring a beloved, best friend, family member, or anyone you'd like to deepen connection with. Dark chocolate will provided to enhance the experience!
Investment: $65 per pair by 1/28 | $75 per pair after 1/28
About the Instructor: Jean-Jacques Gabriel is a Haitian-born artist, father, and teacher living in Philadelphia. He found yoga while at art school in 2001, and has delighted in consistent practice and study since. In both art making and asana, he honors the power and potential of rituals and inspired creativity. Jean-Jacques studied Ashtangta in Southern India, receiving his first yoga teacher certification in 2007, and became a certified AcroYoga teacher in 2008. He completed an Anusara teacher training in 2011, and completed YogaHour Teacher Training with Darren Rhodes in 2013.
He is a Level 2 Certified AcroYoga instructor, and teaches immersions, workshops and classes that foster play, power, pliability and presence. He has also enjoyed teaching compassionate communication workshops to young people, teens, and adults, in prisons, public schools, summer camps, yoga studios, and workplaces.
learn more about Jean-Jacques and his offerings: