Have you ever needed a moment to yourself? A chance to step back, collect your thoughts and refocus your energy in a calm space? Don't worry, it happens to us all, perhaps you are even experiencing it right now. There are times when I feel myself entertaining these thoughts multiple times a day. In fact, at first, I felt exactly like that about creating a wellness blog. I mean, I'm not a Blogger! Or am I?
Take creating a wellness blog, for instance. When the job was first offered to me I was immediately hit with a wave of panic. My very first thought was," I can't do this, I'm not a Blogger!" Lucky for me, almost as soon as I started to respond to the offer, my boss had to excuse herself from the room. I don't know why I was given a second chance, but I'm happy I was. I spent the next few mins thinking about the skills I possessed that could help me in this next venture. While hashing things out, I took some deep breaths and tried to keep my fears and doubt at bay. After a minute or so I noticed my initial panic was giving way to clearer thoughts. When my boss returned about 5 mins later I had firmly made up my mind that I could possibly, just maybe, be a Blogger! (What?! There's only so much you can accomplish in 5 mins! Lol.)
Since you are reading this first edition of "Stay Mellow", and that's my name on the article, I think you can figure out where this story is going. Yes, I am officially a Blogger, and as such I am excited about what the future holds!
Mellowed Out is an opportunity for us, the Mellow Massage & Yoga team, to further connect with each one of you. We aim to remove some of the mystery and stigmas surrounding massage and bodywork in this blog. It is a platform for information to be shared and discussions respectfully facilitated. It is a community forum where all are welcomed and encouraged to actively participate. Last, but certainly not least, we hope it will become another outlet for those times when you just need that moment to yourself.